Poster sessions are an excellent format for authors to present their papers and interact with conference attendees for in-depth technical discussions. In addition, attendees find that the poster session is a great way to sample many papers in parallel. For this reason it is important that you display your message clearly and strikingly to attract people who would have an interest in your paper.
For your poster, a board will be provided which measures 4 ft high x 6 ft. wide. Push tacks will be available to tack your paper to the poster. Please note: the conference supplied push tacks are the only means allowed for attaching your poster to the poster board provided.
Prepare your poster well in advance of the conference. There will be no time or materials available for last minute preparation at the conference.
The title of your paper should appear at the top of your poster in CAPITAL letters that are at least 1 inch high. Below the title put author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s). Use pictures, cartoons, and figures rather than text wherever possible. Bright colors greatly enhance the attention of the viewer.
Use text sparingly. State the main result of your paper in six or less lines using 3/4 inch high letters. The flow of your poster should be from top left to bottom right. You may use arrows to lead through the paper.
Prepare a short presentation of about 5 to 15 minutes that can be given to the attendees. Be prepared to repeat presentation several times. Plan to spend the entire session at your poster
Setup and tear-down of posters is as follows:
Wednesday, October 16
setup by 9AM
tear-down by 5PM
Thursday, October 17
setup by 9AM
tear-down no later than 4PM
All poster material left on display after tear down time will be discarded